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Siaya Community Resource Centre

It’s an information, training and engagement hub for community-centered development based in Siaya County.

TerraFund for AFR100

ILEG aims to restore and rehabilitate degraded landscapes in Siaya and Kajiado Counties.

Nairobi Site

In collaboration with Chalice-Canada, we propagate their core values through charitable works to the bright needy students in society, in order to enable them get a good education, pursue their dreams and help alleviate their family and community from poverty.


Legal Framework for Beach Management Units in East Africa.

The sustainability of fisheries resources in most water bodies in East Africa is are threat. This has arisen because of poor management, leading to degradation resulting from beach pollution and the use of destructive fishing methods such as dynamite, poison and small fishnets…

Promoting enhanced transparency and accountability in the management of Kenya’s extractive sector.

The overall goal of the project is to promote enhanced transparency and accountability in the management of Kenya’s extractive sector…

Vertical integration and learning for low-emission development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED)

By International Climate Initiative (IKI) – An increasing number of national and regional support programmes and new funding approaches and initiatives are emerging particularly in….

Strengthening Democracy through Community-based Participatory Planning for Climate Resilient Low Carbon Development in Kenya.

Natural resources governance and local development planning provide critical entry points for fostering appropriate climate change responses,….

Climate Change

What do you see when you look at these pictures? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is quite true. When I look at these pictures, I see the …

Climate Change in Africa

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking

Linda: An interactive AI-based Mobile App with SMS services.

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking

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ILEG is an independent, non-profit public interest law and policy organization focused on promoting sustainable development. We work with local communities, governments, the private sector and civil society organizations (CSO’s) to ensure fair, balanced and equitable development policy choices to improve peoples’ lives and protect the environment.

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