Supporting climate action, conservation & environmental initiatives to build sustainable, thriving and climate resilient communities.

ILEG focuses on five main areas: accelerating climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, strengthening capacities to mobilize climate finance, advancing transition to clean and efficient energy technologies, enhancing governance for green growth, and building resilience through effective water management


Managing climate change contemplates a triple win strategy that results simultaneously in climate change mitigation, adaptation, and sustainable development. This implies that development goals and strategies must integrate the opportunities and threats of a changing climate in order to safeguard development from climate impacts while slowing further warming.

To enhance adaptive capacity and strengthen resilience to climate related hazards and natural disasters, we support local communities and NGOs to participate effectively in energy, water and climate change governance; build capacities of local communities through training and technical support to implement climate smart sustainable initiatives; and partner with governmental agencies, research organizations, private sector and local communities to scale up locally led climate action.

Our Motivation

Climate change, water and energy are inextricably connected; action in one area has impact on the others. Climate change is a major driver of increasing temperatures, loss of snowpack and changing precipitation. Related extreme events such as droughts, storms and floods significantly degrade water catchments and reduce water availability and quality, ultimately impacting life cycles of water and energy.  

The Paris Agreement, reached at COP21 in 2015, commits governments to take urgent action to combat climate change. It reinforces a collective goal of not only holding global warming to1.5 degrees by 2050, but also enhancing adaptive capacity and strengthening resilience to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. Reducing climate impact and slowing further warming requires collaborative actions and all-hands approach, working across sectors and governing levels.  

Our Approach

ILEG works with national and county governments, the private sector, research institutions, local communities and national and international non-governmental organizations to strengthen capacities and raise ambition for climate action 

Our research on climate change, energy systems and water management informs effective policy making and practice. We support national and county governments to formulate and implement appropriate policies and favourable, transparent and stable regulatory frameworks on climate change, water management and green growth. We empower local communities and NGOs to participate in energy, water and climate change governance. We offer training and technical support to public, private, NGOs, sub-national and regional entities and international organisations that seek accreditation to the GCF and other climate funds. We work with governmental agencies, research institutions, NGOs and local communities to promote climate innovation and investment in order to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience to climate hazards and natural disasters while slowing further warming.  




Environmental Maritime Governance in Kenya (EMG-K)​

We study Kenya’s engagement in the IMO’s GHG Emission reduction negotiations and enforcement of international regulatory measures at the national level.

Environment, Democracy & Justice

Securing the natural assets of local and vulnerable communities by supporting and promoting due process rights.

Science, Technology & Innovation

Supporting the development and use of scientific knowledge and technological innovation to strengthen the management and governance of the environmental and natural resources.

International Climate Initiative (IKI):Vertical integration and learning for low emission development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED)

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking

International Climate Initiative (IKI):Vertical integration and learning for low emission development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED)

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking

International Climate Initiative (IKI):Vertical integration and learning for low emission development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED)

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking


Strengthening Democracy through Community-based Participatory Planning for Climate Resilient Low Carbon Development in Kenya.

Natural resources governance and local development planning provide critical entry points for fostering appropriate climate change responses,….

Climate Change

What do you see when you look at these pictures? They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is quite true. When I look at these pictures, I see the …

Climate Change in Africa

Strengthening national and county capacities to promote climate resilient low carbon development at county level in Kenya: Learning through exchange and networking

International Climate Initiative (IKI):Vertical integration and learning for low-emission development in Africa and Southeast Asia (V-LED)

An increasing number of national and regional support programmes and new funding approaches and initiatives are emerging particularly in….

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ILEG is an independent, non-profit public interest law and policy organization focused on promoting sustainable development. We work with local communities, governments, the private sector and civil society organizations (CSO’s) to ensure fair, balanced and equitable development policy choices to improve peoples’ lives and protect the environment.

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